2023-2025 STRATEGY

Since 1980 ORAP has been single-focused in its quest to fight all forms of poverty. ORAP’s approach has been to address poverty by reconnecting people and rebuilding the social fabric of communities. ORAP sees grassroots communities as leaders for development and agents for behavior change through dialogues. It emphasizes developing relationships with external agencies as funding sources, learning, idea-sharing, and partnerships. ORAP respects the wisdom and inputs of communities and their indigenous knowledge systems in leading development initiatives in planning and implementing community-initiated projects. From 2017 and 2022, ORAP Strategy focused on 3 pillars: Nutrition, Enterprise, and Wellness, with youth, gender, and environmental action integrated as cross-cutting. The strategy was implemented at a time when ORAP was in the process revitalizing its grassroots base. The period was also characterized by the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought community development activities to a standstill. ORAP, however, managed to pull through, although the achievement of some strategic objectives was below expectations. The organization has reduced the strategic period to three years in response to the unpredictable state of the economic, political and social environment around the region and the world. This strategic plan involved communities, ORAP members, and stakeholders, including the Governing Board and ORAP staff and management. The areas of focus for the strategic period 2023-2025 are Community mobilization, Organisational Development, Food and Nutrition Security, Enterprise Development, and Workplace and Community Wellness.


To ensure food and nutrition security at Community level


1. Availability of Nutritious food

i.  Promotion of Food Production &

Processing Technologies and Practices

ii. Productive Asset Creation and 


iii.  Support of community-led

Commodity trade initiatives

2. Accessibility of sufficient nutritious food

i. Increase Disaster Preparedness

ii. Hunger Response

iii. Increase market functionality

3. Utilisation of nutritious food 

i. Promotion of nutrition education 

ii. Enhancing food preparation and


iii. Enhancing appropriate dietary

Intake for everyone and every household And improving health and nutritional 


To ensure a healthy community and work environment.





1. Community wellness

i. Mental health & psycho-social

Support programs

ii. Social Cohesion programs

iii. Behaviour change programs

2. Staff wellness

i. Mental health programs

ii. Physical health program

iii. Promotion of a positive working Environment



To strengthen and position the ORAP brand as a Leader in Community development in Zimbabwe




1. Communication and

brand management

i. Draft and implement a communication

And brand management strategy

ii. Align organizations

Visibility to strategy

2. Resource mobilization

i. Diversify sources of funding

ii. Expand partnership portfolio



To have well-organized members who can Plan and implement their actions.




1. Strengthen Productive Associations

i. Improve membership base

ii. Organise all members in productive

Commodity Associations

iii. Connect Associations with national and

International networks

2. Community action planning

i. Community visioning

ii. Research and development

iii. Strengthen advocacy capacity


To increase economic participation and incomes




1. Access to capital & markets

i. Community Savings and Lending


ii. Market linkages

iii. Financial Services

2. Livelihood diversification

i. Micro Enterprise Development

ii. Entrepreneurship Skills Development

iii. Promotion of resilience in entrepreneurship

3. Value chain development

i. Promoting viable value chains

ii. Employment Creation

iii. Commodity Aggregations

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